Friday, March 30, 2007

Starting An Online Internet Business - 7 Tips To Make It Easier

Author: Nancy Cleary

For several years I did research online to find the real internet "gurus" to learn how to start an online business. After finding all the scams, my head began to hurt. Luckily, I did not fall for any of them. Finally, I stumbled across some legitimate resources and the pain subsided. The information I found lead to more information which lead to even more information. Obviously, my head began to hurt again. I was suffering from information overload! Everything that I saw I had to learn about. The problem was, I was trying to learn too many things at once.

There are many ways to earn money online. Among the most popular are online stores, affiliate marketing, internet auctions and selling information products or e-books. I have subscribed to newsletters, read e-books and even listened to tele-seminars to learn about all of these and more. In the process of learning, guess what happened? I was reading about the success of others and becoming very frustrated with my lack of success. I have learned some lessons along the way. Here are some tips, I hope you will find helpful:

1. Learn one thing at a time! Interested in selling products on an online auction? Learn about that first! If you do not know where to start, go to the auction website. There are tutorials that are broken down into simple steps to help you. They want you to be successful. After all, if you make money, they make money!

2. Find something that interests you and sell it. It's not a good idea to try and make money doing something that you hate. You won't be successful. If you are not a fan of movies, selling dvds is probably not a good idea.

3. Start a business that you can afford. Is money tight? There are ways to start a business with very little money. Later you will be able to invest more. Need $50 for an e-book you have been dying to buy? I used to give up things that I didn't need like the impulse items at the store checkout line to save money to buy resources. Read about the resources before you buy them. Look up the titles on the search engines and get some feedback. Also, a money-back guarantee is a huge plus! You cannot afford to waste money on information that is not helpful. Never ask someone for your money back for information that you have found to be well worth it. They may be a great contact or resource to help you make more money later! Besides, do unto others!

4. Set realistic goals that are well defined. Keep it simple, especially if you are just starting out. For example, you could set a goal of seven days to sign up for an account on an online auction site and find three things in your own home to sell just to learn how the process works. For a long time, I had so many broad, complicated goals that I could not reach them. I may as well have had no goals at all.

5. Have a positive mindset! If you think you are going to fail, most likely you will. Avoid listening to others who tell you that you can't do it. Talk with others about your business who are positive. Believe me, it really helps! One day I made the statement to a co-worker that I was going to make a living online one day. She told me that she knew I would too because I wanted it so much. Her reassurance helped to motivate me even more. A positive attitude can be very contagious!

6. It is not easy! If you are looking to get rich quick, good luck! You will read about people who have made a lot of money quickly online, but not without effort. Yes, there are some who, if they went bankrupt today, could be fairly wealthy soon. However, most of these people are experienced online entrepreneurs. What I have found is that if you enjoy what you are doing, it will become easier.

7. Take action! One of the biggest mistakes that I made was doing so much research, that is all I was doing. The funny thing is, most of the information I read told me to take action but I didn't listen. I had a million reasons why I couldn't just go ahead and start making money online. I didn't know enough yet or I had not saved enough money. I learned the most by actually doing what I had only been dreaming about before.

By following these tips, I know you will find success online even if you just want to earn some extra money. If you make some mistakes, and you probably will, learn from them and use it as a tool to become more successful.

About the Author:
Nancy Cleary has spent a great deal of her time doing research to find resources and advice about doing business online. If would like some helpful information to start your own online business or grow an existing one, here is a site with some recommended resources:

Manage Your Time With Tools To Earn An Extra Income At Home

Author: Roxanne Greenidge

Working at home to earn some additional income is a blessing for most, but for some it can become, horrendous in very little time. While it may seem strange that you require the inclusion of time management tools in your endeavor to make ends meet by easily working from a location where you are already your home it is necessary that you bear in mind that prearranged time will be by far more industrious than simply working as the mood hits you. Likewise, if you are not on the pinnacle of your game with simple time management devices, you might quite possibly find yourself at the end of the day with precious little to show for the deadlines you need to meet the next morning. Overlook a few closing date, and the chances are that you will lose that superb business opportunity that permits you to earn additional income while working at home.

Time management tools are very much varied, depending on your needs. Hence, it is quite possible to generate a plan that works for you personally as well as for the task you will be performing. To this end, quite possibly the most significant method that will assist you to in remaining focused while earning the additional income is to set an goal for each day that you have work to do at home. Identify your objective for the day, define which assignment requires to be completed and how you need to organize yourself to ensure they are completed. The simplest way to attain this is to easily break down your project into its varied components, assigning them time values and then meeting these deadlines one at a time. The small sense of success you will experience when you pull off one or more of the deadlines will go a long way to guarantying that you do not suffer from burnout or other frustrations which will take the joy out of making additional income.

One of the biggest unnoticed time management tools for those working to earn income is the schedule and calendar. It is not sufficient to simply block out a period of time that you will use to work, but you will need to supplement this block with reminders, as well as regular breaks; after all, earning additional income simply means that you have another source of income and working two jobs may be more than you negotiated for when you took on this opportunity. Adding regular breaks to your schedule is a good idea. This also permits you to intermingle with friends and family who will not mind the extra income you are earning as long as it does not get in the way with your ability to also spend time with them. In the long run, this form of scheduling will benefit you as much as it benefits them.

About the Author:
Copyright ) Roxanne Greenidge. To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:

How To Make Your Computer Print Money In 6 Easy Steps

by:Matthew Carney

I bet that got your attention, didn't it? I've been working on my headlines. Sorry to disappoint you but this article isn't about counterfeiting or how to get rich quick. It's about how to create a successful website which will draw lots of traffic and make you lots of money.

This is an enormous subject and you could write a book on each different step. I'm just going to provide a general outline here of the 6 crucial steps to creating a website that's successful over the long term.

1 - Pick Your Niche

Choose something you enjoy researching and writing about because you're going to spend a lot of time doing both. It shouldn't have a lot of competition. For example, don't choose "electronics." I guarantee you'll never get a better ranking in the search engines than Sony or Narrow it down to something like "high end audiophile speakers".

Do some research. Check out how much your keywords are going to cost for advertising. If they're really expensive you might want to choose another niche. Check out some sites with similar subject matter so you can see who you're going to be competing with for rankings in the search engines.

2 - Choose Your Service Providers And Register Your Domain

Your service providers must be reliable. If your internet connection is always going down or your server is constantly crashing it's going to be difficult to maintain a successful business. Don't skimp on quality just to save a few pennies here.

Your domain name should contain your most important keyword that you're hoping to rank well for in the search engines. It should be something unique that's related to your niche and easily brandable. By brandable I mean easy for people to remember and associate with your site. Some call it "mindshare".

3 - Create Your Content

Your content must be unique. If you're content is plagiarized, Google will tend to ignore you. They now recognize duplicate content and refuse to list it. They want to provide their users with useful results. People have been slapping together crappy "made for adsense" websites by just copying and pasting content and Google's decided to put an end to it.

My advice is not to mess with Google. They're the 900 lb gorilla of the internet that you really don't want to piss off. If you can't get listed in the search engines, you're pretty much doomed from the start. So give them what they want. You'll need 30-100 pages of good content before you even put up a website. You could just start with a few pages and add a page day - like you would with a blog - but it will take you longer to get indexed. Are you noticing a theme about the search engines here?

4 - Create Your Website

You're either going to have to use a program like Dreamweaver or a Content Management System. I'd suggest considering a CMS. You'll need to update your website frequently, and even for experienced web designers this can be difficult. A CMS removes all the hassles of publishing new content daily. However, you have to make sure your CMS is search engine friendly. Probably the easiest thing to do for a beginner is use a blogging program like Wordpress. Search engines LOVE blogs, they're very easy to update, and best of all Wordpress is FREE.

You should create the website with search engine optimization in mind right from the start. SEO is a very in-depth subject that I can't get into here. Basically, you'll want to make sure your website can be easily crawled by the search engine robots or "spiders". This requires all kinds of things like proper meta-tags and making sure you have good keyword density on your pages.

Also, you MUST make sure all your pages load quickly. Much of the world still doesn't have broadband. The average surfer will only wait about 4 seconds before they click off elsewhere. If your pages load too slowly you will be losing massive amounts of traffic. Navigation is very important as well. If people have a hard time finding their way around they'll quickly get frustrated and leave.

5 - Drive Traffic To Your Website

Setting up a business on the net is different than at a physical location. In the "real" world it's all about location, location, location. If your store's in a high traffic area it's easy to get customers. But on the net no one just passes by, they SEARCH for specific things. Until your site is listed in the search engines there's no way for anyone to find it - It's up to you to drive traffic to it.

There a several ways to do this:

You can buy it by creating ads and then bidding on certain keywords so the ads will show up whenever anyone searches for them.

You can get it for free by:

- Writing articles on your niche topic with a link to your site in the author's resource box, and submitting them to article directories so publishers can use them and distribute them to thousands of readers.

- Submitting your site to free SEO friendly web directories.

- Social bookmarking some of the more interesting pages on your site at places like and Blink.

- Submitting some of your articles to sites like Digg or Reddit, where people vote on whether they should be displayed on the front page. If you're item is popular and gets displayed on the front page of Digg, the amount of traffic you get could crash your server. I'm not kidding, I've seen it happen.

- Participate in forums and provide a link to your site in you signature. Don't spam or you'll get banned - make intelligent comments.

- Comment in blogs with a link in your sig. Again - don't spam. And make sure the blog isn't using no-follow or you'll be wasting your time.

- Post free classified ads. These provide a high value link back from a popular site, plus you get free targeted traffic to your website from the ads.

- There's many ways to get free traffic - just be creative - but don't be too creative. There's a lot of illegal ways to get free traffic as well but they'll backfire on you in the long run.

6 - Monetize Your Website

This is the fun part. Now that you've got all this traffic how do you make money?

- You can sell advertising - probably the easiest way is with Google Adsense. You can also sell banner space, text links, almost anything really.

- You can sell merchandise - I'd suggest drop-shipping. Why do all that packing and shipping if you don't have to? That's too much like work.

- You can do affiliate marketing - one of the easiest ways to do this is to feature recommended products that link through to your affiliate's site for purchase. Just make sure you choose quality products to be affiliated with.

- The sky's the limit when it comes to monetizing your website. Be creative here too - but again, not too creative. You don't want to do anything stupid and get banned from Adsense or your best affiliate program.

And there you have it. How to make your computer print money in six not so easy steps. Now get going and have some fun!

About the Author:
Matthew Carney is an internet entrepreneur and disgruntled former chef. If you found this article informative and would like to learn more about making money online you can visit his website: You can also check out his blog:

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

10 Great reasons why everyone should join AGLOCO!

Well, if you wanna reason why must join Agloco, here are 10 Great reasons why anyone should join AGLOCO:

1 - AGLOCO™ is a global community, whose owners are its Members. That means YOU.

2 - It's Totally FREE to join. Members will NEVER have to pay anything.

3 -You will never have to disclose ANY personal information!

4 - You get CASH by surfing the Internet while the AGLOCO™ Viewbar is running.

5 - The original idea, AllAdvantage which came out in 1998, gave over $100 million to its users. Today, the context is much more favorable with the sophistication of on-line commerce, the rapid emergence of communities, the wealth of advertising revenue sources, etc.

6 - AGLOCO™ pays YOU an hourly rate when the friends, family & colleagues who you recruit, use the web while using the Viewbar™ (they're called "direct referrals").

7- You also get paid for people your referrals recruit ('extended referrals'). Extended referrals continue for four levels past your original referral.

8 - There is no limit to the number of referrals you can accumulate.

9 - *There are over 50 people listed on the about page of AGLOCO.
*The ‘development team’ has eight Stanford MBA students – not the type of people who would risk their pedigrees and reputations
*The ‘development’ team includes two veterans Ray Everett-Church and Jim Jorgensen – both of who are well known enough to have Wikipedia bios
*The ‘contributors’ include a couple of easy to spot people like; Gil Penchina, CEO of Wikia, Zaw Thet, CEO of 4info and Valerie Williamson a VP the Open Source group OSTG plus a sprinkling of major firm law partners and venture capitalists – not scam types.
*Press interviews – some of the founders have been interviewed by major bloggers ( VentureBeat, John Chow, GigaOM, and Red Herring ). AGLOCO’s management is out front and visible."

10 - AGLOCO™ Membership is absolutely free, and you will never have to buy or sell anything. Simply sign up, download your free copy of the Viewbar™ software, refer your friends and family, and get your share of the Internet! (Yes, I know that I have mentioned this already, but it really is this simple!)
Join Now!

Monday, March 19, 2007

How Does Agloco Work?

Agloco is a global community whose members get paid for simply surfing the internet.

How can they pay me for just surfing the internet?

Because advertisers, search providers and online retailers are eager to reach you while you surf. These companies pay billions to be able to reach you and you deserve a piece of the action.

What do I need to do to get paid?

Simply become a member and download the Viewbar software which takes a small section of your browser. Here is how the Viewbar (currently limited beta) looks:

Here is how it will look on the desktop:

How much does it cost?

Absolutely nothing. Sign up for free. Download free

How can I make more money?

Help build the community through the referral program and you can make even more money.

What’s the catch?

There is none. No Spam No Spyware
Just sign up, download the free Viewbar and surf the net like you normally would.

How about my privacy?

Agloco has made a commitment that your information will never be sold, rented, or shared with anyone else. It is in Agloco’s best interest to build a large community, and if they do not respect people’s privacy they will not succeed.

Whos behind the Agloco.

Who is Behind Agloco?

The Agloco team is composed of some very smart people. Most of them connected as they were attending Stanford's MBA program. The same school where the founders of Google met and started the current 800-pound gorilla of the internet. Wouldn't you have liked to get in early when Google was just starting out? Here is you chance to get in early on another start-up that has the potential to redefine the economic model of the internet. Sign up now!

Here are the key members of the team:

Akshay Mavani:

Allison Cui

Anne Sophie Mayos

Brian Greenwald

Cannon Bonar

Dan Jorgensen

Javier Alvira

Jim Jorgensen

Moshe Pinto

Nick Punt

Ray Everett-Church

Sam Flax

Steve de Bonvoisin

Trey Reasonover

How Agloco works??

Agloco is redefining the economic model of the internet. Currently many companies are making millions from the econnomic power of the internet, but the users who create most of the content get nothing. This is about to change. Agloco allows you, the user, to benefit from the economic power of the internet. In essence, by becoming an Agloco member you own a piece of the internet. Here is a graphical representation of how it works:

1. Members with Agloco's Viewbar surf the internet like they normally do.

2. Companies who want to reach these members pay Agloco for the privilege of targeting them

3. Agloco is owned by its members, so you get a share of Agloco's revenue.

Sounds simple right? Well, it is. And that is why it is so powerful. so why you wait again join now!

How To Do On Page SEO Article

By Saleem Rana

When it comes to doing business online, you will soon discover that it's all about the traffic. Traffic, or the number of internet users you'd be able to generate for your website, is and will always be the lifeblood of any online venture. After all, what good is a website when there's no one there to see its pages? How successful will your digital products be if no one would be able to know about them? Who will avail of your services when no one will get exposed to their existence?

Contrary to what many people believe, generating traffic for your website does not start once you pages are published and have gone live. Traffic generation strategies start at the very moment you are conceptualizing an idea for the website itself.

This is what on page search engine optimization (SEO) is all about. It is concerned with techniques that you could implement on your web pages themselves to ensure a good volume of traffic for your website. 80% of your traffic would come from the many search engines in the World Wide Web. If each and every web page you have is optimized for these search engines, then your website would be in a good position to have a high rank for the results of every relevant query.

Keyword selection. Choosing the right keywords is essential for the success of your website. Keywords are the popular search terms that people use to gather information from the search engines. If your web pages are populated by the right density of the correct keywords, then you'll have better chances of winning the attention of the search engine spiders. To determine the appropriate keywords for the subject that your website will be servicing, use the free tools that can be found at nichebot dot com.

Keyword placement in content. Content is the king of the internet. But even royalty needs support. Populate your content with the proper amount of keywords. A density level of at least 2% should be sought. This means that the right keywords should be mentioned at least twice for every 100 words of text.

META tags. META tags are HTML codes that do not have a bearing on the physical appearance of your web pages, but they do inform the search engine spiders that such web pages are appropriate for a particular query. Always include the following META tags on the top portion of your source code. You could copy-paste them from the list below, but do change the indicated fields. Also, make sure that you include your keywords as much as you could on your META tags.

META NAME='Author' CONTENT='your name here'
META NAME='Subject' CONTENT='the subject of your site'
META NAME='Description' CONTENT='description of your site'
META NAME='Keywords' CONTENT='your keywords here'
META NAME='Revisit-after' CONTENT='14 days'
META NAME='Rating' CONTENT='General'

ALT tags. ALT tags refer to the text that would appear every time the mouse cursor would pass through an image. Your ALT tags should include your keywords.

Page titles. Page titles are the captions that appear at the very top of your web page. Make sure that each web page in your website would have a different title that will include the appropriate keywords.

Focus. Remember, search engines will crawl through your website per page. Each page is a different project altogether. Focus is the key. Ensure that each web page of yours would focus on a particular keyword or key phrase. If there is an article in that page, make sure that the article will only discuss and include one keyword or key phrase from the list you have made. Also, it would greatly help if you would name the page file in a manner that would include the keyword or key phrase it is focused on.

Following these guidelines would help you a lot in securing a favorable position in search engine results pages. This in turn would guarantee for you a sustainable and sufficient volume of traffic that would make your website a genuine success.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Friday, March 16, 2007

AGLOCO is an Economic Network

I’d like to elaborate on what kind of community AGLOCO is.

Many of us are familiar with online social networks, such as MySpace and Facebook, as well as online professional networks, like LinkedIn and Doostang. These networks are based around communities communicating with one another in the personal (social) or professional environment.

AGLOCO is an Economic Network. An Economic Network is based on similar roots, but also adds the driving principle that individuals who have joined together as a group can be economically stronger than the individuals alone.

This is the driving principal behind any group trying to become stronger by joining forces: business groups (like trade associations and the Chamber of Commerce), countries (like the formation of NAFTA and the EU), or people (like labor unions and buying co-ops).

For individuals it is simple. They can demand more from the entities that had been controlling them and finally achieve the power they deserve. Much like segments of the labor force saw they were being exploited 100 years ago, today we see the Internet consumer being economically exploited by many Internet companies. AGLOCO wants to change that.

Individual Internet Users are already creating value all over the Internet, and only now are they coming together as Members of AGLOCO to claim that value. The purpose of an economic network is for the Members to acquire as much of the value they create as possible, and they shouldn’t have to change their Internet usage behavior to get it.

This is the whole basis for creating this company. The Internet holds many unique and valuable ways for individuals to “interact with each other and with groups.” Wikipedia is showing this with free access to information on the Internet. AGLOCO can accomplish the same thing with free access to value created on the Internet.

Thoughts and comments? I will have much more to say about this in the future.

Brian Greenwald
AGLOCO Development Team

Opportunity Business in MLM.

Here I just suggest one MLM is TIENS (Tian Shi/ Sky Lion)
Because TIENS is one of a big company in the world. And it's a trustable company.


Founded in 1995 by Mr. Li Jinyuan in Tianjin, China TIENS Group Co., Ltd. ("TIENS Group") entered the international market in 1998, was successfully listed on NASDAQ in September 2003, and formally entered into the AMEX in April 2005. Presently TIENS is a multinational group specializing in retail, tours, finance, international trade and E-business, as well as integrating industry capital, business capital and finance capital. With the business covering over 190 countries and regions, TIENS has subsidiaries or branches in 105 countries and regions, and has established strategic alliances with world-class enterprises from over 20 countries. By developing health food, health care, beauty care and home care products, TIENS Group gives attempt of a high quality lifestyle, health, happiness, beauty and affluence for as many as 12 million consumers worldwide.

Contributing to Society through Harvesting as its charitable philosophy, TIENS Group believes in corporate social responsibility, and has donated a total of RMB 900 million to public welfare and social charities by 2006.

The successful management of an educated, localized, and institutionalized workforce contributes to a strategic goal of TIENS International. TIENS has an unbeatable international team in research, innovation and etiquette, including over 5,000 executives and more than35% of employees above master degree.

Presently TIENS is marching into Global Top 500 with big strides, based on the advanced Six-Network Interaction Theory, New Swap and Alternative Theory and New Supermarket Theory and an outstanding management system.

Slogan : Be the vanguard of global direct selling industry.

Mission : Providing the global consumers with the qualified products, opportunities of education and cause, improving their life quality, and building a harmonious international society.

Business Philosophy : Contributing to society by restoring health to mankind.

Corporate Spirit : Contributing to the motherland by industrialization, and striving for higher goals through harmonious teamwork and genuine dedication.

Quality Guideline : Parable to build human health, Milestone to realize technical innovation, Method to make sustained improvements, and Heart to satisfy consumers.

Organizational Management Principle : knowledge-guided, management-based, love-centered, people-oriented.

If you want to join with TIENS don't forget to put my name as your sponsor.
No sponsor: 91601363

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Want to earn cash while working from home? AGLOCO members earn cash while they surf the internet! It’s easy, and free, what are you waiting for?


Do you realize how valuable you are? Advertisers, search providers and online retailers are paying billions to reach you while you surf. How much of that money are you making? NONE!

But There's a Way to Stop This.
You Deserve A Piece Of The Action.

AGLOCO collects money from those companies on behalf of its members. (For example, Google currently pays AOL 10 cents for every Google search by an AOL user. And Google still has enough profit to pay $1.6 billion dollars for YouTube, an 18-month old site full of content that YouTube’s users did not get paid for!

This Company Will Work To Get It's Members Their Share Of This And More.

AGLOCO is building a new form of online community that they call an Economic Network. They are not only paying Members their fair share, but they’re building a community that will generate the kind of fortune that You Tube has, but instead of that wealth making only a few people rich, the entire community will get it's share, profit are unlimited!

What's the catch? No catch - no spyware, no pop-ups and no spam - membership and software are free and AGLOCO is 100% member owned. Privacy is a core value and AGLOCO never sells or rents member information.

This is the biggest Internet revolution since the World Wide Web. It's growing potential is huge. Some analysts think that in only a few months this company will be more valueable than YouTube! Download and read the e-book carefully! After you've read use one of the links in the book or come back to this page to join in. If you already know AGLOCO you'll probably want to join right now. That's why I've inserted this link bellow.

Join Now